Working out what to use to control woody weeds is only a download away

Whether you’re in the shed looking for what herbicide to use at what rate, or you’re planning out this season’s spray applications, our Rate Finder app for smartphones and our Woody Weed app for tablets have you covered.

The Woody Weed app for tablets

The Woody Weed app for tablets has brought the latest thinking in weed control into the digital age. Whether you are at home or in the middle of a paddock.

The Woody Weed app for tablets gives you instant access to all the information you need to become a woody weed expert.

Search for ‘Woody Weed’ in the App Store.
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The Rate Finder app for smartphones

The Rate Finder app allows you to match any herbicide to any weed, at any time. Instantly accessible from your smartphone or iPhone, the Rate Finder app will allow you to find the application rate of any herbicide that will get you the best results.

Search for ‘Woody Weed’ in the App Store.
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