Prickly acacia control

Access all the information needed for control of this noxious weed, including weed identification, herbicide application and spray timings.


Prickly acacia description

Prickly acacia identification

Prickly acacia is a thorny shrub or small tree growing from 4–5 m to occasionally 10 m tall. The plants are distinct with fern-like leaves, a pair of stout thorns (1–5 cm long) and pods.

The young shrubs form dense thorny thickets and mature plants are usually single stemmed with spreading branches that have lost their thorns. The bark on saplings has a tinge of orange and/or green. Older trees have dark, rough bark.

The ball-shaped flowers are golden-yellow and about 1 cm across. The flowers grow in a group of two to six on a stem. The flat pods are 10–15 cm in length and turn grey when ripe.

Prickly acacia control

Controlling prickly acacia

Prickly acacia is a weed of national significance and is identified as being invasive, having the potential for widespread environmental, social and economical damage. Landowners and land managers at all levels are responsible for actively managing this weed.

For best results use Starane Advanced for seedling and young plants up to 2 m tall at the rate of 450 mL/100 L of water. For best results add Uptake Spraying Oil.

Consult Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Charters Towers, for specific advice on application.

When treating with Access as a basal bark application (plants with stems up to 5 cm basal diameter), use the rate of 1 L/60 L of diesel or Biosafe.

Herbicides for control of prickly acacia

Product#Method of applicationRate*State
Starane® Advanced Herbicide Basal bark and Cut stump 900 mL/100 L of diesel distillate All
Access® Herbicide Basal bark and Cut stump 1:60 with diesel or Biosafe§ All
Garlon® 600 Herbicide Basal bark and Cut stump 1:120 with diesel distillate All
Starane® Advanced Herbicide Foliar spray 450 mL/100 L water + Uptake® Spraying Oil All
Vigilant® II Herbicide Cut stump Apply neat: 3–5 mm layer All

# Note: Preferred product option in bold.  * Consult label for details of growth stage and use, especially where range of rates is given.  § Biosafe – trademark used under licence, Victorian Chemical Co Pty Ltd.

Treatment timing

Timing for prickly acacia control

Treatment should only be carried out when plants are actively growing. Do not treat during hot, dry summer periods.

Starane® Advanced Herbicide
Access® Herbicide
Key: Best time to spray/treat Can spray/treat if conditions are suitable Do not spray/treat